Want perfect steak? Before you cook try dry brining - Jess Pryles

It is without a doubt that a dry aged steak, whether it be a dry-aged ribeye or dry-aged sirloin steak, is tastier and more tender than standard steak you will buy from the shop. To cook a dry aged steak the right way, you need to follow a process if you want to achieve restaurant quality dry aged steak. 

So, what is the dry aging process?

  1. Thawing the steak or meat

If you have chosen to freeze dry aged steak, you will want to make sure you thaw the meat carefully so that you do not undo the quality. We recommend that you thaw the dry aged steak for around three days before you are ready to cook it. Once you have removed it from the refrigerator, leave the steak to reach room temperature before cooking.

  1. Seasoning 

Make sure you season your dry aged steak with salt and any other seasoning of choice right before you begin to cook. If you put salt on the steak too far in advance, it can draw the moisture out of the meat which can ruin the flavour and make it difficult to sear and seal the meat.

  1. Sear the steak on high

It is always recommended to sear a dry aged steak, or dry aged meat, over high heat for a couple of minutes. This is because it allows the surface of the steak to caramelise and seal in the juices. 

  1. Cook the steak on medium heat

Once you have seared the steak, turn down the heat to medium and cook the steak to your desired level of doneness. The useless rule of thumb is three minutes for rare, four minutes for medium rare, five for medium and six for well-done. Whilst cooking the steak, you will want to turn the steak frequently using tongs to ensure it’s evenly cooked to avoid losing any juices. 

  1. Leave the steak to rest

Depending on the thickness of the meat, you should leave the steak to rest for at least five minutes for every inch of the thickness. Once you have done this, garnish the steak with dauphinoise potatoes, dripping sauce and vegetables, or anything of your choice!

If you are looking for more dry aging recipes, check out Steak Locker’s free dry aging ebook with a collection of delicious recipes ranging from beef to fish. 

By Rehan

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