Cucumber has high-water content, which is perfect for hydrated skin.
For people with sensitive skin and underlying skin issues, summers could bring more troubles. Breakouts, heat rashes, sun burns are just some of the skin-related problems many people face in this season. There are a plethora of topical treatments available, but if you want to crack the problem at its core, consuming skin-friendly foods and drinks could do wonders. And, you don’t have to go far looking for the right foods; they are all there right in front of you, in your kitchen. To get started, cucumber is the first thing you should pick.
Summer is about drinking refreshing and cooling drinks. Cucumber-based drinks will keep your body as well as you skin hydrated, maintaining its pH balance. Cucumber is made up of more than 90 percent water; the high-moisture quality makes it an ideal food for skin care. Cucumber is also rich in antioxidants, which helps in preventing bacterial infections and allergies.
(Also Read: Brave This Hot Weather With These Cool Cucumber Drinks)

Cucumber can be used to make some cooling and refreshing drinks.
Here are 4 cucumber drinks to try in summer for healthy skin:
1. Cucumber Water
Cut a whole cucumber into slices and flop in a large jar of water. Add some salt, stir well and refrigerate overnight. Have a glass of cucumber water from the jar every day till it is finished.
2. Cucumber Juice
Grate one cucumber and collect its juice. Press the grated cucumber further with hands or with the back of a spoon to squeeze out more juice. Sprinkle some salt and few drops of lemon juice, and drink cucumber juice fresh or cool it first in the refrigerator.
Tip: Keep the grated cucumber and use it to make soothing kheera raita.
(Also Read: Drink This Classic Cucumber Lemon Detox Water To Shed Kilos)

Grate cucumber to take out its juice.
3. Cucumber Mint Ginger Drink
Peel and dice one cucumber, peel and chop 1 inch ginger. Put them in a blender, add 4-5 crushed or muddled mint leaves and a glass of water. Blend them till they turn into juice. Throw in some lemon slices and store the drink in fridge. Serve chilled. Cucumber, lemon, mint and ginger – all these healthy foods are full of antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties.
4. Cucumber Honey Lemonade
Take out juice of one cucumber and pour in a glass. Add one tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of black salt and juice of half a lemon. You can also reduce the amount of water and add some carbonated water or soda to it. Stir well. Top it with ice cubes and enjoy this drink to cool down your senses.
These cucumber drinks are extremely refreshing and hydrating and also bear many heath benefits apart from providing natural care for your skin.
About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.