Car Insurance | Compare, Get Quote & Renew with Kurnia Insurans

Car ownership in Malaysia provides unparalleled freedom and convenience, but it also comes with the responsibility of ensuring proper insurance coverage. In this comprehensive guide, we will navigate the intricate world of car insurance in Malaysia, with a focus on Kurnia Insurans Kereta, the convenience of MyEG Roadtax Receipt, and the growing trend of motorcycle insurance online.

Understanding Car Insurance in Malaysia

Car insurance, also known as motor insurance, is a legal requirement for all registered vehicles in Malaysia under the Road Transport Act 1987. It serves as a financial safety net, protecting vehicle owners against a range of unexpected events, including accidents, theft, and third-party liabilities.

Types of Car Insurance

  • Third-Party Insurance: This is the basic and mandatory form of car insurance in Malaysia. It covers damages and injuries caused to third parties in accidents where you are at fault.
  • Comprehensive Insurance: Comprehensive insurance offers broader coverage, including protection against theft, fire, natural disasters, and damage to your own vehicle, in addition to third-party coverage.

Kurnia Insurans Kereta: A Trusted Choice

Kurnia Insurans Kereta is a respected name in the Malaysian insurance industry, known for its reliable coverage and customer-centric approach. Key highlights of Kurnia Insurans Kereta include:

  • Comprehensive Protection: Kurnia offers comprehensive coverage, ensuring you are protected against accidents, theft, and more.
  • No Claims Discount (NCD): Safe and responsible drivers can enjoy significant NCD discounts, resulting in lower premiums for each claim-free year.
  • 24/7 Assistance: Kurnia provides round-the-clock roadside assistance, offering peace of mind in case of breakdowns or emergencies.

MyEG Roadtax Receipt: Streamlining the Process

In Malaysia, renewing your road tax is an essential part of car ownership. It is an annual fee that must be paid to legally operate your vehicle on Malaysian roads. The amount of road tax depends on your vehicle’s engine capacity (cc) and type of fuel. The MyEG Roadtax Receipt service has simplified the process in recent years.

Steps for MyEG Roadtax Receipt

  • Check Expiry Date: Determine the expiry date of your current road tax and renew it before that date to avoid penalties.
  • Ensure Valid Insurance: Ensure your vehicle has valid insurance coverage before proceeding with road tax renewal.
  • Calculate Road Tax Amount: Utilize the MyEG Roadtax Receipt calculator to determine the exact road tax amount based on your engine capacity and fuel type.
  • Online Renewal: Visit the MyEG Roadtax Receipt portal or authorized online platforms for a seamless renewal process. You can securely make the payment online.
  • Receive Confirmation: After payment, you will receive a confirmation of your road tax renewal, along with a sticker to be displayed on your vehicle’s windshield.

Motorcycle Insurance Online: A Growing Trend

While we’ve primarily focused on car insurance, it’s essential to mention the rising trend of motorcycle insurance online. Motorcycles are a popular mode of transportation in Malaysia, and online insurance providers are making it easier for riders to obtain coverage. These policies typically cover third-party liabilities, theft, and damage to your motorcycle.


Car insurance and road tax compliance are fundamental aspects of car ownership in Malaysia. Providers like Kurnia Insurans Kereta offer comprehensive coverage and peace of mind on the road.

Understanding the intricacies of car insurance, making the most of NCD discounts, and utilizing services like MyEG Roadtax Receipt for hassle-free road tax renewals are essential steps in responsible car ownership. Additionally, the growing availability of motorcycle insurance online caters to the needs of motorcycle enthusiasts, offering protection and security while on the road. With the right insurance and road tax compliance, you can enjoy the freedom of the open Malaysian roads with confidence, knowing you’re prepared for any unexpected events.

By Papa

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