Eating a piece of steak meat without sauce seemed less steady as tasteless vegetables without salt. Really OpenRicers? In fact, it is true, very rarely do people eat steak meat without the sauce accompanied. Then any sauce that usually accompanies the soft meat sirloin, tenderloin or wagyu. Generally, people order a steak with black paper sauce, mushroom or BBQ. And still, there is another steak sauce that is not less delicious who OpenRicers. And not just for steak meat just the following sauce is also suitable for use on the type of cuisine like fish, chicken and even vegetables. Let’s see info about how to make steak sauce.

  • The word “sauce” is derived from the Latin (sauce) which is derived from the Latin which means “salted.” That is why the sauce variant originates from French cuisine.In the country of origin, the sauce which is the main ingredient in the cuisine is divided into five categories where the five kinds of sauces the first is a bechamel sauce made from roux and milk.Relax is a mixture of flour and oil (fat, butter, margarine, etc.) From this bechamel sauce created six types of derived sauces namely aurora sauce (from sauce béchamel and crushed tomatoes), mornay sauce (from Béchamel sauce and grated cheese), Nantua sauce (from béchamel sauce, shrimp butter and creamy cream), Chantilly sauce (from béchamel sauce and whipped cream), Soubise sauce (from béchamel sauce and onions), and mustard sauce (from béchamel and mustard sauce), usually bechamel sauce and a derivative sauce suitable for seafood.
  • Espagnole sauce made from beef broth. If thickened it will be a demi-glace sauce. There are eight types of sauce derived from thickened Espagnole sauce. Namely, bordelaise sauce (from demi-glace and red wine Bordeaux as well as red onion, peppercorn, thyme leaves), bigarade sauce (from demi-glace, red wine and orange juice), charcutière sauce (from demi-glace, white wine, mustard, soy sauce, and red onion), deviled sauce (from demi-glace and white wine, crushed tomatoes, red onion, and peppercorn), Diane sauce (from demi-glace and peppercorn, , and truffle), poîvrade sauce (from demi-glace and crushed peppercorn), Madeira sauce (from demi-glace, Madeira wine and red onion), and port wine sauce (from demi-glace and port wine). for Espagnole sauce and derivatives are usually used for various roasts, duck, and chicken.
  • Veloute sauce made from white broth like fish broth, chicken, or veal. This sauce mixed with other ingredients creates three derivatives of suprême sauce (from chicken and cream velouté sauce), allemande sauce (from veal cow velouté and cream) and white wine sauce (from white fish and velouté sauces). Fish veloute sauce is certainly suitable to accompany the various dishes made from fish. Similarly, chicken or veal veloute sauce.
  • Hollandaise sauce made from buttered butter or separated parts of fat and water. Then, if the sauce is mixed with thick cream will be created mousseline sauce. Or if mixed with orange juice will create the maltaise sauce. And the last derivatives of hollandaise sauce are béarnaise sauce made from hollandaise sauce, tarragon, and chopped parsley. French residents often call bearnaise sauce with “romantic sauce” because of its creamy texture and tasty-sour taste. This bearnaise sauce has three more derivative sauce: foot sauce (from béarnaise sauce and demi-glace), Rachel sauce (from béarnaise sauce and demi-glace and tomato puree) and choron sauce (from béarnaise sauce and tomato puree).
  • The tomato sauce is a simple sauce of tomato puree and broth. If the tomato sauce is mixed with onions, garlic and parsley will create Portuguese sauce. Or try mixing tomato sauce with peppers, mushrooms, onions, and garlic, you will get a savory spicy sauce suitable for spaghetti spice. Tomato sauce will change taste if mixed with leaf spices such as thyme and celery leaves and a little garlic, onions are also peppers or called creole sauce. Well, what is your favorite sauce choice OpenRicers? Can anyone guess the sauces in addition to steak, spaghetti and baked goods suitable for what other dishes? As a reference to answer let’s take a look at the different types of cuisine in restaurant reviews.

By Papa